
Special Education Team

Central Office Team

Candace Johnson
Candace Johnson joined Life School in August of 2014 as an assistant principal at Life School Lancaster. She later served as a principal at Life School Cedar Hill and most recently principal at Life High School Waxahachie. She is excited to continue working with and serving the students, teachers, and families of Life School.
Candace JohnsonDirector of Special Education
Ronda Johnson
I am the Special Education Instructional Coach. Many of you know me because I have worked for Life School Red Oak for the past twelve years. I have been a sped aide, resource teacher, behavior teacher, and Life Skills teacher. I am excited about the opportunity the support you and your special education teams this coming school year.
Ronda JohnsonSpecial Education Specialist
Shamika Jones
I has been in education for 15 years, 5 of which have been with Life School. I am married and my years of marriage equal my years of service in education. I have three wonderful children, two boys and one girl. When I first started in this field, I did not see it as long term. But, after my first year of working with children, I knew that I was meant to be an educator. I love being able to reach students where they are and watch them grow day after day seeing that everyday is a learning experience. I love not only what I can do for my students, but what my students can do for me. My students have helped me in so many ways. Just being able to talk to my students brings joy to every part of me. I am grateful that The Lord allowed me the opportunity to teach.
Shamika JonesSpecial Education Transition Specialist
Debra Giles
I serve as the Special Education Instructional Coach for the Oak Cliff and Carrollton campuses. Prior to working for Life School, I worked for public and charter schools as a Diagnostician, Resource, Self-Contained and Inclusion teacher. I completed my undergraduate studies at Texas A&M University and graduate studies at Texas Tech University. I am excited and honored to be a member of the Life School family. I look forward to partnering with parents, staff and scholars in support of Life School's mission and vision.
Debra GilesSpecial Education Specialist
Kally Howard
I have been with Life School for over 11 years. The first few years with Life School were at the Oak Cliff campuses as a paraprofessional, and I have since moved to Central Office as the Special Education Administrative Assistant/PEIMS/Records Clerk. My husband’s name is Dell Howard and we have a home in Arlington. I look forward to working closely with each of you as the Special Education Administrative Assistant this year!
Kally HowardSpecial Education Administrative Assistant
Lisa Charnoski
Hello, I have joined the Life School team as the Administrative Assistant of Student Services. I have lived in Midlothian for around 15 years now with my husband and 4 kids (three are in college and one is a senior in high school this year). I have a paralegal degree and have spent the last 3 years as the special education job coach in Midlothian while also serving on many boards and committees over the years. I am so excited to join the Life School Family!
Lisa CharnoskiAdministrative Assistant
Stacey Burley
I am motivated to bring a more positive outlook into the lives of my students. I am proud to be an instrumental part of the Life School District. I encourage collaboration amongst all to ensure students' growth socially and emotionally in the learning environment. I would like to ensure that all of the students that I serve behavioral, emotional, and mental wellbeing is being uplifted to achieve a healthy balance in the school setting. I have 16 years of experience in the educational field in which the last eight have been servicing students with special needs. I am a graduate of Texas A&M- Commerce where I achieved a master's degree in counseling and a master's degree in education administration. I am an outgoing, encouraging, caring, supportive individual and I try to exhibit it in all that I do! I seldom meet a stranger, and I always try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. I look forward to continuing spreading positivity, and creating a conducive learning environment that will support growth within our district.
Stacey BurleySpecial Education Counselor

Evaluation Team

Tanya Lollar
I am the Diagnostician for Red Oak Elementary, Life Middle School Waxahachie, and Life High School Waxahachie. I have been married to my husband for 23 years and we have two girls, Brittany and Jordan. I was Blessed to start my teaching journey as a Special Education Resource teacher at Life School Lancaster (go BEARS!) in 2008. I completed my master's in Special Education at UNT and went on to West Texas A & M to complete my diagnostician certification. This will be my 8th year with Life School and I am so thankful for the many opportunities I have been given to grow professionally as well as the great relationships that I have formed with staff, parents and of course the students! I look forward to another great year of building relationships and watching our students grow.
Tanya LollarLead Educational Diagnostician
Lisa Randle
It is a wonderful day at Life! I have been employed at Life School since 2019. I have worked in Special Education since 2010. I completed my master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Texas at Arlington. I look forward to working together to provide the best support for your student.
Lisa RandleEducational Diagnostician
Mishon Arbuckle
I'm a Speech-Language Pathologist. I received my undergraduate and master's degree from Southern University and my doctorate degree from Nova Southeastern University. I am happily married and we have two wonderful children. My hobbies include reading and cooking. I am extremely excited to be a part of Life School and I look forward to an outstanding school year!
Mishon ArbuckleSpeech-Language Pathologist
Victoria Celaya
Victoria CelayaSLPA - LSRO
Tally Ward
Tally WardSLP - LMSW and LHSW
Mystere Moyes
Mystere MoyesSLP - LSRO
Cynthia Carroll
Cynthia CarrollEducational Diagnostician - LSCH
Diana Parker
Diana ParkerEducational Diagnostician - LSRO
Marianna Faulkner
Marianna FaulknerARD Facilitator - LHSW and LMSW
Marisol Macias
Marisol MaciasARD Facilitator - OCE and OCS
Ronda Johnson
Ronda JohnsonEducational Diagnostician - LSL
Kristen Nichols
Kristen NicholsSchool Psychologist
Racheryl Barnes
Racheryl BarnesOccupational Therapist
Tiffany Nylund
I am currently the ARD Facilitator for the Life Middle School Waxahachie and Life High School Waxahachie campuses. This is my fifth year with Life School. I served as a 2nd grade teacher at Life School Cedar Hill for the first four years of my educational career. I received my bachelor’s degree from the University of Phoenix and my master’s degree from Strayer University. I am currently working on earning my Educational Diagnostician certification from Dallas Baptist University. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 20 years, and we have four amazing children. I am so blessed to be involved in collaboration between administrators, teachers, and students and their families to further learning and academic success.
Tiffany NylundARD Facilitator
Karina Cisneros
I am a Bilingual Speech Language Pathologist Assistant at Life School. I received my bachelor's degree in Communication Disorders from the University of North Texas. I worked in home health for four years and recently transitioned to a school setting. I enjoy working with kids and assisting them with their difficulties in speech. My hobbies include fitness, reading, sewing, and playing with my dog. I am so happy to be a part of Life School!
Karina CisnerosSpeech-Language Pathologist
Koletha Taylor
Hello, my name is Koletha Taylor. I work at Life School as an Educational Diagnostician. I bring to the team many years of corporate America experience and have been in the Education field since 2014. I am looking forward to working with the Scholars, parents and staff at Life School.
Koletha TaylorEducational Diagnostician
Jeanette Herzmark
Jeanette HerzmarkSLPA - LSMC and LSC
Laura Urbina
Laura UrbinaSLPA
132 East Ovilla Road, Suite A, Red Oak, TX 75154 – 469.850.5433 – F: 469.850.5434

Teacher Incentive Allotment

87 of 100 (B Rating)
Texas Education Agency

Gold Medalist
Dallas Morning News Peoples' Choice

Texas Charter First Financial Accountability