Life School News

Life School January Coach Spotlight - Dewayne Volentine

Life School Athletics Names January 'Coaches Spotlight' Honoree



Life High School Oak Cliff is recognizing Mr. Volentine as the honorary coach of the month. Mr. Volentine serves as the Life High School Oak Cliff (LHSOC) assistant principal. In his spare time he assists the athletic department by working the scorebook at basketball games and runs the clock and scoreboard at soccer and softball games. As a former coach, he's a great asset with ample sports knowledge. On top of this, he's just a phone call away to help Life School athletics navigate any issues that arise, whether big or small. If you are on the Life School campus, you know that his daily inspirational emails have a way of setting the tone for the day. #ethicalleadership #humility #effectivecommunicator


For upcoming games, news, or information about Life School's athletic programs visit our Athletic information page.

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