Information for Class of 2026
LHSW Counseling Team (left to right)
- (9) Kara Dennick
- (10-11) Rebecca Thrush
- (12) Alysa Shull
LHSW Assessment Specialist
- James Miller
Social Media
- LHSW Counselors Twitter @lhswcounselors
Working with Your Secondary Counselor
LHS Secondary Counselors
“Our goal is to help students have a successful experience in high school, graduate with pride, and plan for a positive future.”
- Get to know your counselor.
- Make an appointment to get to know your student’s secondary counselor. Learn about their policies and procedures. Pay attention to the programs they host that may be beneficial to you. Ask questions!
- Keep in touch throughout the school year.
- Navigate the course of high school with the school counselor through emails, phone calls, or appointments. Encourage your student to visit the counselor with any issues, concerns, dreams, and ideas.
- Be involved.
- Participating in schools activities will help you become more aware of the opportunities that surround your student. Keep in regular contact with your student’s teachers. Ask your student questions specific to that day and course subject.
- Utilize counseling resources.
- Parent meetings, newsletters, websites, and informational pamphlets are all available through the counselor’s office. Take advantage!