
Title IX

Title IX Compliance

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

Title IX compliance is a shared responsibility of an entire district, from top-level administration to all levels of staff.  Title IX protects students, employees and applicants for employment, and other persons from all forms of sex discrimination, including discrimination based on gender identity or failure to address stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity. All students (as well as other persons) at institutions/districts that receive federal funds are protected by Title IX—regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, race, or national origin—in all aspects of a recipient’s educational programs and activities (OCR Title IX Resource Guide).

Reporting Sexual Harassment

At Life School, we believe in treating all students and employees with dignity and respect therefore we take these matters seriously. It is the responsibility of all staff, teachers, and administrators to report complaints of sexual harassment, sexual assault and/or any other forms of sexual misconduct that they receive or of which they may become aware by immediately contacting the Title IX Coordinators.

Title IX Coordinators

Facts About Title IX

TItle IX

Role of the Title IX Coordinator(s):

Although the recipient of the complaint is ultimately responsible for ensuring that it complies with Title IX and other laws, the Title IX coordinator is an integral part of a recipient’s systematic approach to ensuring non-discrimination, including a non-discriminatory environment. Title IX coordinators can be effective agents for ensuring gender equity within their institutions only when they are provided with the appropriate authority and support necessary to coordinate their institution’s Title IX compliance, including access to all of their institution’s relevant information and resources (OCR Title IX Resource Guide).

Examples of Title IX Concerns:

  • Gender Discrimination
  • Domestic and/or Dating Violence
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual misconduct (inappropriate touching, comments, text messages)
  • Gender Identification Discrimination
  • Teasing or Bullying/Cyberbullying because of gender/gender identification

For more information, you may visit the Office of Civil Rights.


132 East Ovilla Road, Suite A, Red Oak, TX 75154 – 469.850.5433 – F: 469.850.5434

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