
Request for Proposals

Life School RFP for Student Transportation Services (B) - Issue Date 6-8-2021

Question Received on 6/14/2021

We have received a question from a potential bidder regarding the following: “I wanted to confirm you are only looking for 4 routes even though you have 7 routes listed”.  This is correct.  According to the scope in section 2.2, the current scope is to provide student transportation to four (4) of the potential bus routes that are listed in this section.

Question Received on 6/9/2021

We have received a question from a potential bidder to “When do you expect the transportation agreement to be awarded?” We are hoping to make a decision by the end of June but this is subject to change.

Question Received on 6/8/2021

We have received a request from a potential bidder to “Please send trip itinerary and schedule.” Please note that potential service routes are identified in the “Scope” provisions in Section 2.2, beginning on page 1 of the RFP. Pick-up and drop-off times for the inter-campus routes may be found in “Appendix B,” beginning on page 24 of the RFP.

As additional information, Addendum #1 to RFP#21-002, with an update to Section 18 of the RFP (Student Transportation Data), is now located on the Life School website at:

132 East Ovilla Road, Suite A, Red Oak, TX 75154 – 469.850.5433 – F: 469.850.5434

Teacher Incentive Allotment

87 of 100 (B Rating)
Texas Education Agency

Gold Medalist
Dallas Morning News Peoples' Choice

Texas Charter First Financial Accountability