ESSER III Spending Plan - $11,300,000
- Life School has the potential to receive nearly $11.3 million dollars over the next three years from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund package made available to schools. Life School is committed to prioritizing funding to address learning loss, social & emotional needs, technology, and the physical safety of staff and students.
Learning Loss & Academic Supports - $4,800,000
- Free Tutoring
- Free Summer Learning
- Credit Recovery Opportunities
- Learning Management Systems
- Teacher Supports (Instructional Coaches) *
- Teachers Supporting Early Education (K-3)
- Increased / Improved Parent Communication
Social, Emotional & Mental Health Needs - $3,200,000
- Social Emotional Learning Curriculum
- LifeLeader Character Training
- Counseling Services *
Technology - $2,800,000
- 1:1 Student Devices *
- Server Upgrades *
- Staff Technology Supports
- Instructional Technology
Health & Safety - $500,000
- Cleaning & Sanitation *
- Personal Protection Equipment *
- Improved Campus Air Quality
* Includes unexpected expenses incurred in the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years due to COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, ESSER funds will be dedicated to continue essential positions that support students’ academic and social/emotional needs.