Careers at Life School

Career Fair — April 28, 2025 (5:30-6:30 PM)

Teachers, Instructional Aides, Custodians, Bus Drivers—Meet with leaders from campuses of your choosing. Click here to RSVP.

About Teacher Incentive Allotment

House Bill 3 (HB3) established the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) to recognize effective teachers on three levels: Recognized, Exemplary, and Master. These teacher designations generate additional teacher-focused allotment funding for districts for them to reward their top performers.

Teachers earn designations through two different routes. First, National Board Certified teachers are eligible to earn a Recognized designation. Second, districts may designate effective teachers when approved for a local teacher designation system. The approval process is multi-step and includes submitting a system application to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and then a data validation process through Texas Tech University.

Life School awards the full 90% of the allotment to designated teachers (minus allowable deductions).

For more information on the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA), please visit the TIA website.

Average Campus Allotment

Recognized $5,213
Exemplary $10,426
Master $19,377
132 East Ovilla Road, Suite A, Red Oak, TX 75154 – 469.850.5433 – F: 469.850.5434

Teacher Incentive Allotment

87 of 100 (B Rating)
Texas Education Agency

Gold Medalist
Dallas Morning News Peoples' Choice

Texas Charter First Financial Accountability