Frequent Questions (FAQs)

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General Information - Community

Will Life School build sidewalks along East Danieldale Road and South Cockrell Hill Road?

Yes. As an added convenience to area residents, Life School will construct a 5-foot-wide sidewalk along the entire length of…
Yes. As an added convenience to area residents, Life School will construct a 5-foot-wide sidewalk along the entire length of our property facing S Cockrell Hill Road. We will also construct a 10-foot-wide sidewalk along the entire length of our property facing E Danieldale Road.
Posted  5 months  ago

Why are the athletic fields located where they are on the master plan?

The first draft of the master plan placed the fields east of the high school. After receiving feedback from the…

The first draft of the master plan placed the fields east of the high school. After receiving feedback from the community, the stadium was moved southeast to provide a wider buffer from the neighboring community.

The areas to the east and southeast of the planned high school were chosen because of the naturally-flat terrain. They also provide the greatest amount of privacy for our neighbors because they push the 2-story high school forward and away from the property line.

The chosen location also limits the impact on local wildlife, limits destruction of trees and the local habitat, and limits impact to natural land grading and water run-off.

Posted  6 months  ago

Will Life School steal students from Duncanville ISD?

Life School does not consider itself a competitor with Duncanville ISD. We support any school that serves students and families…

Life School does not consider itself a competitor with Duncanville ISD. We support any school that serves students and families well; and we welcome opportunities to be community partners with other schools in the community.

Strong schools improve education for all families and add to the appeal of the local community.

It is also important to note that many Life School families will attend from other areas in the Best Southwest. Charter schools are not limited to traditional city boundaries when enrolling families.

Posted  6 months  ago

How is a new school good for the Duncanville and the Best Southwest area?

Providing wider educational opportunities in a community can lead to lower unemployment, less reliance on public assistance, and higher tax…

Providing wider educational opportunities in a community can lead to lower unemployment, less reliance on public assistance, and higher tax revenue. It can also help reduce crime, improve public health, and increase political and civic engagement.

Research also shows a strong connection between increased school spending and higher graduation rates. One study found that when per-pupil spending increased by 10% across all 12 school-age years, students were more likely to complete more years of school and earn more as adults.

Life School currently holds a 100% graduation rate.

Posted  6 months  ago

How will a new school affect property values?

A new school can positively affect property values because of 1) reputation and 2) stability. Families often consider schools when…

A new school can positively affect property values because of 1) reputation and 2) stability.

Families often consider schools when choosing a residential community. A new public charter school with a positive reputation can cause property values to increase as families move to the area.

Quality schools also tend to remain stable, even during economic challenges. This can create a "halo effect" on nearby neighborhoods, which can be perceived as more stable, with higher incomes, and lower crime rates. Homes in desirable school zones can be a solid long-term investment and can be more attractive to potential buyers, which can make selling your home easier and potentially more profitable.

It is not uncommon for realtors to include area schools and their distances from seller listings.

Posted  6 months  ago

How will the new school affect traffic on Cockrell Hill and Danieldale?

Life School is investing more than $3 million in road improvements to mitigate impact on Cockrell Hill and Danieldale. Plans…

Life School is investing more than $3 million in road improvements to mitigate impact on Cockrell Hill and Danieldale. Plans include two new turning lanes on each roadway to minimize impact to day-to-day traffic.

The school’s distance from the road enables the school to queue up to 260 cars on private, campus roads; preventing the need to queue cars on Cockrell Hill and Danieldale.

Additionally, the school is investing in new traffic lights and expanding the current turning lane at Cockrell Hill and Danieldale to benefit the local community. While these improvements benefit the school during drop-off and pick-up times; the improvements benefit the community all hours of the day; including most Fridays when Life School is closed because of its 4-day school week.

Posted  6 months  ago

Did Life School notify surrounding neighborhoods of the intent to build a school?

It is customary for city leadership—not the buyer—to initiate communication with residents. Once residents were informed of the project, Life…

It is customary for city leadership—not the buyer—to initiate communication with residents. Once residents were informed of the project, Life School held public town halls and met with community residents to review plans and make adjustments where feasible.

Prior to the purchase of the property by Life School, it was owned by A.W. Brown Leadership Academy who purchased it in 2007 with an intent to construct a new school.

Posted  6 months  ago

Why did Life School buy a property that is zoned residential?

In 2007, the property was purchased by A.W. Brown Leadership Academy for school development. Life School later purchased the property,…

In 2007, the property was purchased by A.W. Brown Leadership Academy for school development. Life School later purchased the property, continuing its intended purpose for a new school.

It is common for schools to pursue a Planned Development (PD). Planned Developments can include a variety of amenities, such as schools, parks, recreational facilities, and utilities.

In such circumstances, Texas courts have ruled that a municipality's zoning authority is secondary to the authority of a public school district, unless the municipality can show that the school district is acting in an unreasonable or arbitrary manner.

After purchasing the property, Life School met with neighborhood leaders; listened to community feedback; and made adjustments to the plan where feasible, including relocating the athletic fields; investing an additional $3 million in road improvements; establishing plans for stone fencing and a tree buffer along the read of the property; and investing in light and sound upgrades for the athletic fields.

Posted  6 months  ago

How will the campus affect the property's appearance in Duncanville?

We are working with architects, engineers and master planners to ensure that the property is well-designed, aesthetically pleasing, and retains…
We are working with architects, engineers and master planners to ensure that the property is well-designed, aesthetically pleasing, and retains trees and green spaces around the entire campus.
Posted  11 months  ago

Will this affect local Duncanville property taxes?

No. Unlike traditional ISDs, charter school construction is not funded by local taxes. Life School is bond-rated, which means that…
No. Unlike traditional ISDs, charter school construction is not funded by local taxes. Life School is bond-rated, which means that Life School will provide its own funding to construct the school.
Posted  11 months  ago

How will the lights at the sports stadium affect the houses behind the property?

Life School worked with light engineers and also conducted a lighting study to ensure that stadium lights drop to zero…

Life School worked with light engineers and also conducted a lighting study to ensure that stadium lights drop to zero foot candles before the property line.

*Light intensity is often measured in foot-candles, which measures the amount of light that hits a one-square-foot surface from a consistent light source that's one foot away. One foot-candle is equal to one lumen per square foot, where a lumen is the total amount of visible light emitted by a source. A higher number of lumens indicates brighter light, while a lower number indicates dimmer light.  Foot-candles are commonly used by lighting professionals to calculate light levels in businesses and outdoor spaces.

Posted  11 months  ago
132 East Ovilla Road, Suite A, Red Oak, TX 75154 – 469.850.5433 – F: 469.850.5434

Teacher Incentive Allotment

87 of 100 (B Rating)
Texas Education Agency

Gold Medalist
Dallas Morning News Peoples' Choice

Texas Charter First Financial Accountability